KORG volca Stands from £36
Stands are available to hold 1 to 8 Volcas (or SQ-1) at a variety of angles and spacings.
Volc 45 series holds 2, 3, or 4 volcas. Double the capacity by adding volca Trays.
- Boo series holds 1, 2, or 3 volcas. Double the capacity by adding volca Trays. Boo stands feature a stair-step layout that prevents cables on one volca from blocking access to the touch strip on the next volca.
- EDS-1K with volca Tray holds 2 volcas above a minikey controller or synth.
- Stiletto Flat and Stiletto Angled hold 1 volca each. Double the capacity with a volca Tray and Stiletto XL Rod.
- Expansion Shelf Large holds 4 volcas and fits on Adapt L1 and Adapt L2. Two of these shelves on an Adapt L2 hold a total of 8 volcas! Can also fit on other KVgear stands. See our Stand Selector for details.
Volca Eurorack Mounting Kit holds 1 volca in a Eurorack case or skiff.